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“I would like to begin this letter by apologizing for my ignorance…”

“I would like to begin this letter by apologizing for my ignorance…”

58 comments written by Joshua Trentine


Dear Ken and Brenda Hutchins, Josh and the RenEx Team,

I would like to begin this letter by apologizing for my ignorance that I skillfully showcased on your website’s comments section.  I finished reading The Renaissance of Exercise – A Virtruvian Adventure – entirely over the last 3 days. This manual has enlightened me on many subjects and has actually exposed many false assumptions that I previously held concerning your exercise philosophy and recommendations.  I could list with greater specificity the number of errors that I made, but for brevity’s sake the largest was probably the time under load and set duration issue.  I could not have been more mistaken and it was misguided to extrapolate only small, fragmented parts of your earlier writings and place them totally out of context.  Another way of stating it: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” – Aristotle.     I have found that this saying seems applicable to much of your exercise philosophy – as I now understand it.  I now see the fitness industry’s chicanery and RenEx’s research based approach analogous to alchemy facing chemistry or astrology meeting astronomy.  Recently, my wife remarked that the two places she is assured to see the most overweight and unhealthy people are whole food/organic stores and entering a Zumba class.  I commit to oppose these silly practices and will attempt to make a difference for the few that I can reach.  I credit you for awakening me.  It was much like a “red pill and blue pill” moment  for me.

I do not recall when or where, but I once read that Arthur was an admirer of a poem he referred to as “the hunting of the slan”.  I couldn’t find a poem by that title.  Finally, I found this writing by Edgar Allan Poe that Arthur was referring to and would like to share it with you.

by Edgar Allan Poe

I have sometimes amused myself by endeavoring to fancy what would be the fate of any individual gifted, or rather accursed, with an intellect very far superior to that of his race. Of course, he would be conscious of his superiority; nor could he (if otherwise constituted as man is) help manifesting his consciousness. Thus he would make himself enemies at all points. And since his opinions and speculations would widely differ from those of all mankind — that he would be considered a madman, is evident. How horribly painful such a condition! Hell could invent no greater torture than that of being charged with abnormal weakness on account of being abnormally strong.

In like manner, nothing can be clearer than that a very generous spirit — truly feeling what all merely profess — must inevitably find itself misconceived in every direction — its motives misinterpreted. Just as extremeness of intelligence would be thought fatuity, so excess of chivalry could not fail of being looked upon as meanness in its last degree: — and so on with other virtues. This subject is a painful one indeed. That individuals have so soared above the plane of their race, is scarcely to be questioned; but, in looking back through history for traces of their existence, we should pass over all biographies of”the good and the great,” while we search carefully the slight records of wretches who died in prison, in Bedlam, or upon the gallows.

This gives me pause – not only when I consider how you might have felt when ridiculed and rejected by people of less intellect, but the great tragedy of a tremendous opportunity only to be squandered by failing to embrace a rational philosophy of proper exercise – Renaissance Exercise.  My mother is now crippled as the result of a physical therapist’s neglect and ineptitude.  These are the same people that profess exercise knowledge in such an insolent manner yet produce very little if anything resembling rehabilitation.  After a second knee replacement and both hips, my mother’s physical therapy regimen was to walk (rather shuffle) with a walker for 30 minutes, 3 times weekly and have the therapist place a goniometer next to her knee and then read it incorrectly. Of course, I was across the country and by the time I moved back, the therapist’s work was finished.  TSC and slow cadence exercise represent the only safe form of exercise for my mother.  She is slowly making progress and I will make modifications to carefully follow your protocol revisions and recommendations as I understand them.

Ken, I remember reading an article in which you gave tremendous credit to Arthur and suggested that anyone reading that article or exercising should send Arthur a dollar – or something to that effect.  I wish to express my gratitude to you.  Joshua showed tremendous patience and alacrity answering my questions.  I remain perplexed concerning thorough inroad theory for various reasons, but mainly comparing the example of a push up test at a fast speed vs slow speed and which set renders muscle failure most quickly.  Perhaps Gus is correct when using the analogy of the orange.  Some things probably need to be experienced in order to be fully appreciated.  Maybe it’s an inability to properly receive all of the information – much the same if you attempted explaining calculus to someone who had never been taught basic math or algebra.  This has been yet another tremendous learning opportunity for me and I thank you and your team for providing this opportunity, even if you were unaware of the influence you imparted. I will continue to learn, submit to those more knowledgeable and fight complacency – regardless of the struggle or embarrassment ensued.

I was elated to receive my copy signed by you – Thank you!

Matt Spriggs

{ 58 comments… read them below or add one }

avatar Joshua Trentine January 9, 2014 at 10:37 am


You are very welcome.



avatar Jeffrey Muehl January 9, 2014 at 10:39 am


Matt sounds like a nice guy here. Now he want you to go out of business? because of a perceived bad IC?



avatar Jeffrey Muehl January 9, 2014 at 10:47 am


Keep in mind “the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on”. 🙂


avatar Patrick January 9, 2014 at 12:16 pm

I think Matt Spriggs will come around in time.

His guru Marcph has currently blown Matt’s mind by combining free weights with rubber bands for variable resistance. I predict a rediscovery of the cam is forthcoming.


avatar Mark January 9, 2014 at 12:35 pm

You lost me at people on organic whole-food diets supposedly being unhealthy & overweight. The most casual observation proves this to be 180 degrees wrong. Unless your choice of words is vaguely implying that people -in- such stores aren’t actually -on- such a diet, in which case, the statement goes from incorrect to meaningless.


avatar Blain January 9, 2014 at 12:47 pm

I don’t think he’ll come around. He’s already pushed all of his chips “all in” so to speak. I just finished reading the project x comments and all I have to say is wow. Why do people get so angry? I’m all for shit talking and busting balls but its never serious and always meant in good fun. These dudes are just plain angry. I’ll never understand why you guys can’t just man up, use your real name, give Josh and Jeff a call and settle your differences. Shit, Trentine and I had it out a few months back and settled our differences. The only difference was two adult men found each other’s phone numbers, made the call, and figured it out. I however, would never creep on another dude’s forum under a false name only to never prove a point. Joe, it must get exhausting posting out of your mother’s basement inbetween x box sessions and replacing the eyes of your doll collection with broken pieces of your smashed mirror. Say hi to buffalo bill for me.


avatar John Parr January 9, 2014 at 1:20 pm

This is shocking, especially after what I read last night on BodybyScience, thanks for sharing this!

By the way I have not been on that site in a year and have no desire to unless Josh, Jeffrey, or Al have something to say on there. Nothing ever advances on that forum, they’re still arguing over the same stuff they did 4 years ago!


avatar Blain January 9, 2014 at 1:28 pm

Steve N and Joe H,
I would ask how you look yourselves in the mirror everyday but that was already answered with the doll collection. You guys are the type of dudes that experimented on mice at a young age. You’re the ones that bring a lunch of saltine crackers and mayonaise to the breakroom. You guys probably have matching naked posters of Kathy Bates on your bedroom ceiling. Enjoy playing that 315th round of dungeons and dragons. I hope your mom paid the comcast bill this month so you’ll be able to come back with yet another less than thoughtful response with nothing to back it up. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to make sure there is enough water in your mother’s dish.


avatar Pete Collins January 9, 2014 at 4:09 pm

I was impressed with the letter and got the shock of my life when I scrolled down to the signature.

Points have been made but will this effect positive behavior? time will tell



avatar Joshua Trentine January 9, 2014 at 4:16 pm

So it appears Joe H. has made a name for himself, everyone wants to know who he is and wtf he wants.

all i can tell you is it’s some guy hiding behind a fictitious email in Rhode Island
, city is Cranston

there are other guys out there like him, i really never cease to be amazed by how weird modern man is.


avatar Jeffrey Muehl January 9, 2014 at 5:39 pm


Joe H. is me, I have just been messing with you. I rented a small place in Cranston and set up a computer that I log into from Milwaukee and then put posts on RenEx. The guy might not even be from Cranston… Who knows.



avatar Joshua Trentine January 9, 2014 at 5:43 pm

lol….you got me again


avatar Joshua Trentine January 9, 2014 at 5:44 pm

Pete, funny huh? makes you wonder what the real agenda is.


avatar Blain January 9, 2014 at 5:58 pm

Rhode Island huh? That explains it all. The state that practices safe sex by attaching a warning label to the back of animals that kick. I went there once. You know what you call a good looking woman in Rhode Island? A visitor. If you need to castrate someone in Rhode Island you simply kick his sister in the mouth. When you drive quickly through the University of Rhode Island you come out with an undergraduate degree. The reason they only wear button fly jeans is because the sheep can hear a zipper a mile away. The best four years of a Rhode Island grad is third grade. They separate the men from the boys in Rhode Island with a restraining order. The first thing a Rhode Island girl does when she wakes up in the morning is walk home. Women in Rhode Island never play hide and seek because nobody would ever look for them. The state of Joe H. my friends.


avatar Steven Turner January 9, 2014 at 8:24 pm

You wouldn’t thought that Matt wrote this letter. I know often that people do change their minds but with such a turn around in such a short period of time tends to make think of other motives or hidden agendas. Or Josh is it a case of another Tonka truck taken when you were kids.

I went to the gym this morning tried doing reps in a smooth controlled manner without stops and starts, not looking at the stop watch until finished most reps ranged where 10/10. I did not try to predetermine my reps just focused on controlling each and every reps.

RenEx don’t lower your high standards to suit the Joe H’s of the world


avatar Dave January 9, 2014 at 9:11 pm


Had a bad day, your post put a smile on your face.

With Joe H,or Steve N.I dont think ive seen in detail what the resentments are all about against RenEx. Just alot of bitching and accusations. But im not a “collector ” of anything i cant change.Do you guys have anything that is positive about your life?

I had a friend who passed way to early in life. He was injured and was in a wheel chair before he was 30 years old. He would push and pull himself onto a bench to do presses. Never bitched. He was tough. Was a single parent and did not complain.

As soon as I saw the iPOPD. I knew he would have loved that machine. I bet he would have wanted to buy one for his house. So there add something positive about RenEx, Joe and Steve.

You guys ever doing anything to improve life for anyone? Maybe I should have posted this on the other tread too. Maybe I will if Josh dont mind.


avatar Dave January 9, 2014 at 9:12 pm

Blain should have said put a smile on my face.


avatar Donnie Hunt January 9, 2014 at 9:54 pm

Hey guys. I’m getting caught up on the comments on Doug’s site regarding rep speed, rep speed variation and TSCs. Thanks for all the stuff to think about.


avatar Dave January 10, 2014 at 8:51 pm

Donnie,thinking is good. If you ever read HD2 of even Hd ,Mentzer wanted us to think, evolve.

So with your comment you may be taking a step ahead so to speak,its up to you to be proactive about your training.


avatar Donnie Hunt January 11, 2014 at 6:31 pm

Ya know it’s funny Dave. I have read a great deal of Mentzer’s articles, listened to interviews, watched some of his videos, owned and read some of a book about him by John Little. I have never owned or read HD or HD2. Mentzer’s emphasis on philosophy and logic really influenced the way I think in general. I like some of the glimpses I’ve seen of his sense of humor as well, lol.

As far as being proactive about my training. I need to be more, lol.


avatar Blain January 11, 2014 at 9:07 am

Glad I could make you laugh. Life is too short to be so serious. It made my day when Josh texted me that I had him crying laughing or something to that effect. I’m NEVER serious about any of it. Just have a sick sense of humor and like to poke fun. The other guys have probably been scouring the internet looking up something to come back at me with. So be it. I have found what works for me. Josh has found what works for him. On and on it goes. Why all the hate and shit talking over nothing? I don’t do cardio. If you do and you like it…great, do it. If you like isolation exercises…great, do it. Whatever keeps you motivated. No idea where I’m going with this. I’m going back to watching cartoons with my kids as I make them breakfast. I’ll most likely learn more from cartoon network than checking BBS or Darden. Have a great weekend all.



avatar Donnie Hunt January 11, 2014 at 6:34 pm

Hey Blain, I heard that Johnny Bravo has some pretty good training ideas, lol. Have a great weekend too.


avatar Joshua Trentine January 11, 2014 at 11:32 am


you tapped him out.lol


avatar Blain January 11, 2014 at 4:27 pm

No response yet? Did i really sideline him?


avatar Joshua Trentine January 11, 2014 at 10:11 pm


lol….looks that way, he usually hits the site 3x/day or so


avatar Dave January 11, 2014 at 5:20 pm

Patrick said

I think Matt Spriggs will come around in time.

His guru Marcph has currently blown Matt’s mind by combining free weights with rubber bands for variable resistance. I predict a rediscovery of the cam is forthcoming.

I lost it over there today. I let someone get to me who I dont give a shit about.

Had my last post unless some things that bbs, would be against stop being encouraged to do by others. Not that they need me there,im just a little fish in the ocean.

If anything it reminds me what not to do. I would not be surprised if my post get removed.


avatar Joshua Trentine January 11, 2014 at 10:10 pm


i get more agitated by what i read in the comments section than anywhere else….you’re not alone


avatar Dave January 11, 2014 at 11:09 pm

I dont know why I let things bug me like they do,some days more than other days.

But things came to a head today for me,so if you read what I said,thats how I really feel. LOL I was holding back though,probably for the better.

Hey its Doug’s blog,his rules.

Why anyone involved with the BBS way, would cosign on some of the bullshit that goes on is beyond me.

Just read what Marc suggests for others to do for FREE as he says, I explained in a nice way why maybe this wont work for everyone,how it may not be safe for some of us to do. Like hello, what is one of the things bbs is based on? Safety!! Ed tells me great post.

Marc gets encouraged to carry on. He does with pride. Now that I think about it, Marc is just doing what he feels strongly about. He feels the way he does probably like I would feel about what I know. BBS gave him a platform and he took advantage of it. So he does. I may have also I dont know.

But what ever,like I said a least some one is reinforcing my beliefs in what I should not do.

I saw you stuck up for me over there, thanks. You understand the big picture. Some dont even know what the picture is yet.


avatar Joshua Trentine January 11, 2014 at 11:16 pm

inconsistency bothers me too


avatar Blain January 12, 2014 at 8:39 am

Marc has 9 cats that he hasn’t changed the litter box for in the past month. His mom is yelling for him to come and get his PBJ sandwich when he gets done re-loading his nerf dart gun and wants to take the three steps out of the basement to do so. You’re up against a guy that has NEVER posted a pic, video, accepted an e-mail, phone call, etc. I would like to see his results before I take anything he says into consideration. Until then, he might as well find a way to post using crayons and play doh. F it! Subtracting Josh since it’s his job to look good, I’ll happily put my physique up against anyone at BBS. I have two kids, a full time job, etc and I’m still doing well, looking good, etc… I took care of Joe H apparently. I can’t even check BBS so if Marc has the vagina to come on this site and banter back and forth me, please invite him. I’m guessing the response will be what Josh usually says…crickets… A site where I’m no longer censored?? Ah Oh…. Have a great day and remember…the dude is playing with resistance bands in his mom’s basement with his cats getting excited that another Oprah rerun is about to start on his O channel that he had to pay for with his Comcast subscription…his mom OK’d it.


avatar Jeffrey Muehl January 13, 2014 at 1:31 am

I know is exercise involves force production, position, the quality of force, quality of contraction, time, frequency, diet, sleep, a few other thousand factors and a persons reaction to it all.

I don’t think it has anything to do with me personally, my opinions and so on.

I don’t think it really has anything to do with what people think of RenEx or Joshua.

All of these internet debates are sophomoric. Why I continue to get sucked in could be an interesting study into the current state on my mind. But that doesn’t really have anything to do with exercise.

Mainly people post for affirmation. That what they doing for their own training is good. People want a pat on the back. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. We all need them. Not to many people around who are into HIT so one turns to the internet for positive reinforcement and affirmation. I get that.

I talk about Project X, for example because I like affirmation and a few pats on the back. I think that is ok.

Everyone wants to think how ever they are training is the best at the end of the day. Occasionally I get phone calls from people seeking the Holy Grail. Ask me a bunch of questions. Got to my well and dig around in there. And at the end of the day, I know what they want. They want to affirm there training practices. And that is ok, I get it.

What do people who attack Joshua want? What did I want when I attacked RenEx, with a fair amount of expense? For myself, I am not going to answer that question here. But the result of my all out attack was I improved my understating of exercise, a patent pending, and Project X. Also meeting and building relationships with a number of engineers and machinists that I didn’t know before. That was the result of my attack.

What will the result be from other attackers?, one could only hope it will produce something positive in their lives for themselves/the people the love or others? But I think likely it won’t. I think likely it is just a caustic cauldron of shit and a waste of peoples time.

If one think RenEx is a big con/scam and so on why bother coming after RenEx. There are far worse things going on in the world. Go be a free tutor, help someone to learn how to read. Go volunteer at a women’s shelter. Go find a real injustice to stop. Attacking Joshua/RenEx and can is a rather self centered occupation. Energy could be better spent doing something to help the world.

I am sure 2014 we will see more recycled circular hypocritical arguments against RenEx/Joshua/Ken. I know all of the arguments and I have a few extra that none of you guys have probably heard of or thought of. None of it changes the statement at the beginning of my post.


avatar Donnie Hunt January 13, 2014 at 10:20 pm

For me, this stuff has been an interest since I was about 15 or 16? I’m 37 now. I don’t know anybody in person or that I see regularly that has any interest in exercise or strength training like this. And don’t get me wrong, to each their own as to what people want to do. This is a definite reason I read and comment on blogs such as this. I come to blogs like this because the subject matter makes me think outside of the box. I kinda look at what you guys are doing is similar to people who are all about high performance sports cars or modifying engines and measure the efficiency of it all. Project X is very interesting. I guess maybe I’m still looking for the Holy Grail of muscle building lol.


avatar Jeffrey Muehl January 13, 2014 at 1:34 am

Project X will be a training tool, and it will be unbiased as possible.


avatar Joe H. January 13, 2014 at 9:12 am

Still no PROOF.


avatar Joshua Trentine January 13, 2014 at 10:44 am

You keep asking for evidence. Every person that does this thing we’re saying feels an unmistakable effect. Every person. Do you want stats? Do you need studies? We have none. Yet. Do you want pics? we’ve published countless photos. My evidence is the results of my clients, my sister, my brother, friends, colleagues, and a myriad of people who have experienced what we’re talking about. And of course, my own physique development. n=1


avatar Jeffrey Muehl January 13, 2014 at 11:27 am

Joe H.

Please make a list of your top ten arguments against RenEx.

And ever day just come on here and copy and paste your list.

Joe H. why do you care about RenEx and what Joshua or Ken says?

You trying to save innocent lambs from buying into RenEx and being as you see taken? Is that your mission in your life is to save potential people from being involved in RenEx?

When you are lying in your coffin, your family and friends will walk up to your body….. And say wow…. Joe… was such a wonderful man spending his time on the internet repeating himself. What a great contribution he made to all of us.



avatar Joshua Trentine January 13, 2014 at 11:30 am

A friend of mine who does profiling for the FBI sent me this profile for the anti-RenEx individual. :

-Age 45 (prime)
-youngest will be 35
-many in there 50’s and 60’s
– high percentage latent homosexuals
-Low Social status- income always under 60K/YR
-Will repeat same arguments.
-compulsive behaviors
-fancy themselves as intellectuals
-generally have racist tendancies
-often will have a clinical diagnosis of OCD
-often will have a clinical diagnosis of aspergers.

prime examples:
Joe H
Steve N
Matt Spriggs

He says it’s unlikely these are actually different posters.


avatar Joshua Trentine January 13, 2014 at 11:34 am

it would be cool to have these guys respond and see how close the profiling gets…

interesting study


avatar Joshua Trentine January 13, 2014 at 11:43 am

he said he could even have a prototype sketch of what these guys likely look like….i may have him make me one so i can make a WANTED poster


avatar Dave January 13, 2014 at 3:03 pm

There may be a name or two from the bbs blog you could add to the list.

One thing some people my not realize about OCD is that person who has it will lock onto something and obsess over something and not let it go such as some of those behaviors in the profile list.

It not always preforming rituals like constant hand washing,or have to walk through a door way 10 times before they enter.

Could be anything from religion to yes anti RenEx,even HIT,or anti Hit. But I think there my be a “wound collector” type that fits in the FBI profile too.

I know someone that has OCD and they lock onto something. Even for years. But then for some reason change their mind and obsess about something else. This case has something different and not training related. But you see it with many who train just by reading their posts over a span of a few years.

But they also do a lot of things that the profile lists.

I not naming any names but with the information in that profile,and understanding different aspects of OCD it not to hard to figure it out.

That may be why some people flip flop back and forth on some issues.


avatar Jeffrey Muehl January 13, 2014 at 7:26 pm

To really get things done, you do have to be a bit OCD. But best to focus on getting things done…


avatar Dave January 14, 2014 at 4:45 pm

Thats one way to look at it,but a good old fashion work ethic and drive to get done the task at hand is a must if you ask me.

With OCD you may not be able to put the brakes on so to speak. I understand working 14 hours a day or more when needed, but you can work 8-10 or 12 once in a while and take a day or two off a week to take care of yourself.

I like the feeling of knowing what needs to be done,what it takes to do it,and working hard for it. Even if I was working for someone besides myself. Like if you pay me well and I work hard for you, in turn you make money. We both win.


avatar Scott Springston January 14, 2014 at 11:15 am

A friend of mine who does profiling for the FBI sent me this profile for the anti-RenEx individual. :

-Age 45 (prime)
-youngest will be 35
-many in there 50′s and 60′s
– high percentage latent homosexuals

The below doesn’t just apply to REN-EX, it applies to all argumentative people regardless of what forum it is. The state of all forums basically suck. Why then do I keep frequenting them? It’s not for the learning experience, I’ve learned very little in all the years I’ve been on these exercise forums.I guess it’s mostly for entertainment, I don’t know?

-Low Social status- income always under 60K/YR
-Will repeat same arguments.
-compulsive behaviors
-fancy themselves as intellectuals
-generally have racist tendancies
-often will have a clinical diagnosis of OCD
-often will have a clinical diagnosis of aspergers.


avatar Joshua Trentine January 14, 2014 at 3:49 pm


i like the high performance mods analogy…i think it fits….not everyone needs or wants it on their car but that doesn’t change the facts…….


avatar Jeffrey Muehl January 14, 2014 at 4:46 pm

Other have done feedback for weight training machines. The difference with Project X is that it is the high performance feed back.

How fast do you want to go?, how much money do you have to spend?



avatar Steven Turner January 15, 2014 at 6:37 pm

Hi Josh,

I only fit a couple of the FBI profiles age 58 and male, I don’t think I fit the any of the other profiles.
I think the saying goes something like this – You can please some of the people some of the time but you can’t please all the people all of the time.

For some people you will never have enough proof and I think that is fine but your job is not having to supply the doubters the proof, it is not your responsibility.

I have learnt so much from RenEX and I am happy to pass that knowledge onto others.


avatar Blain January 15, 2014 at 8:15 pm

High performance feedback. Just like Joe’s comment’s…oh wait…where DID he go? Was it really that easy? Joe are you reading? Nothing to come back with? I liked your comments. I’m not honest but I thought they were REALLY interesting and no less thought provoking than a box of Captain Crunch…or is it CAPn? Not sure…it all gets confusing. You must be on the right track though. Please feed us with some of your knowledge like we’re all little baby birds waiting for our first meal (aka) YOUR secret. “Still no proof…” Still….no response.


avatar Carl January 15, 2014 at 10:40 pm

Having never tried the RenEx method with RenEx gear, can’t say that I am a believer. It would be nice for those who don’t have that opportunity to see more in the way of examples. I understand that many who have tried the machines do love the feeling of intensity that results. But that is not the same thing as knowing that one year down the road, you’ll have something to show for the experiment.

That said, the mindless badgering and stalking of these over zelous skeptics does not impress me in the least. Their pattern of behavior simply undercuts their credibility and raises questions about their motivation. If you are going to have critics, I don’t see how it really hurts you to have critics that come across like irrational, babbling idiots.

If you are going to claim “it doesn’t work”, please post your own case studies to support that claim. Have the balls to hold youself to the same standards you demand from RenEx.


avatar Matt Spriggs January 17, 2014 at 10:54 am


I still remain an avid fan of Ken and believe his work to be of great significance.

Matt Spriggs


avatar John K January 17, 2014 at 4:47 pm


Funny that since you posted that “FBI” profile it has been as you often say “crickets”.
I think you may really have struck a nerve with all the haters oops I mean the hater. Just maybe they’ll get the help they need now.
Doubt it though.

Everyone have a great weekend!!



avatar Joe H. January 20, 2014 at 8:28 am

ROFL, you’ve got me!

Still no sign of research data on the horizon. Wonder why?


avatar Joshua Trentine January 21, 2014 at 2:35 pm

Sorry Joe, i know you are very anxious but we can’t publish results until they are published, apparently you are very ignorant about research grant approval, university bureaucracy, trials and approval.

great to see that you remain so engaged and interested.

may i ask your age?


avatar Joe H. January 22, 2014 at 1:20 pm

ROFL, if making those statements makes you feel better about these research studies never reaching fruition (or the result you so desperately need to prove you’re correct) so be it.


avatar Blain January 23, 2014 at 4:24 am

In retrospect, you should have just posted this article without allowing comments.


avatar Joe H. January 23, 2014 at 11:23 am

You can’t answer questions about RenEx but you are interested in my personal information/life. Why?


avatar Donnie Hunt January 28, 2014 at 5:05 am

This would indeed be a very AWARE way to train. You have your own consciousness, the instructor’s observation and instruction, and the constant, live feedback of Project X.


avatar Daniel Hough January 30, 2014 at 12:16 pm

I’ve been following this exercise protocol since I bought a copy of SSP back in 1994. Only one question: Has anyone yet developed a theory of physiology and muscular growth that would pass muster in a graduate-level Biochemistry textbook? Just asking. Thanks.


avatar wilhelmi July 3, 2014 at 6:18 pm

Thanks again , your new grateful follower .


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