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Being Critical and INROAD!

Being Critical and INROAD!

4 comments written by Joshua Trentine

Over the years and more so most recently since we launched RenEx we have received countless criticisms of our observations and suggestions.  We have welcomed ALL of this because it only makes us look deeper into how we can become more efficient, more effective and safer in our training.

Last year I briefly touched on this topic and Al Coleman discussed the need for a starting point and why INROAD is crucial to our analysis.

Click on the video above!

There are only a few days before the early RSVP discount expires on September 15, 2012 so if you haven’t RSVP’d yet do so now.

We are excited to share with you not only our latest equipment innovations but also training techniques and instruction.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

avatar Rick Chartrand September 7, 2012 at 11:50 pm

Good presentation. I commend you on inviting and learning from criticism when applicable. There needs to be some specificity to the criticisms however IMO. In a previous post, and this is only an example, someone questions the need for extreme intensity, but he fails to suggest why. Does he believe such behaviour will retard progress, be indifferent to progress or not improve enough to warrant the discomfort? Or is he concerned about a safety or health issue? This is fairly common to many comments I’ve seen. Someone states an opinion, often revealing that they are not understanding the protocol, but don’t offer the reasoning behind the skepticism. If people don’t get it, is it their fault or do you need to do a better job of explaining? An aha for me during my last visit was a summation of the objective, “to achieve maximum inroad, in minimum time, within the constraints of safety.”. As previously mentioned since my back strain, I believe I’ve improved significantly my ability to inroad efficiently, (though I still have a long way to go, as I now appreciate this is not easy to master), but I also have realized that moving towards higher loads and shorter tul’s, was a way to gratify my ego, and actually make the workouts far more bearable, albeit, I believe much less effective and more dangerous.


avatar Joshua Trentine September 8, 2012 at 10:01 am

We seem to get endless vague criticisms…


avatar jim September 8, 2012 at 12:28 pm

Like : what does ” progress ” mean ? If the goal is ” inner development ” as is clearly stated in the video , then ” vague ” is understandable , no ? If you want to play science then there must be a way to measure this inner development per se in real time . Inroad is not a measure of mechanical strength , it is any ( real time ) point at which inner deveopment intersects an outer challenge ( not necessarily limited to mechanical strength ) . One might then say that specific ” progress ” as a function of this consciousness development is by default , ” vague ” . i.e. what is your measurement ( real time ) of this inner development that you are challenging ….per se ? Is it microvolts on a electromyograph attached to the frontalis muscles or will we be using galvanic skin response ? EEG ? All of the above for an Inner Index ?


avatar Steven Turner September 8, 2012 at 5:19 pm

Hi Josh,

To learn sometimes it takes experience and often we learn from bad experiences. Years ago like most people I would assumed the “wrong objectives”, and I may also have been crtical of RenEX. I learnt from sustaining injuries over many years from exercising incorrectly following the “mob”. You guys share much wisdom and whilst you seek and welcome critiscism people should first be self critical of themselves.


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