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Don’t Take My Word For It!

Don’t Take My Word For It!

1 comment written by Joshua Trentine

We have caught a lot of $hit for our beliefs and our promotion of RenEx.  While we welcome any and all feedback we realize that sometimes people are always skeptical about our claims.

So rather than tell you myself why you should become more engaged in the RenEx community over the next few days I’m going to share some personal experiences of others who have actually gotten off their ass and experienced RenEx for themselves.

Today’s story comes from Kevin Ness, the co-owner of Strength Studio:

“Our experience with Renaissance Exercise has been nothing short of phenomenal. The RenEx team has set the standard for the safest, most effective, and most efficient way to exercise. In an industry with an “everything goes” mentality, the RenEx team is turning the tides by challenging this mentality through an intellectual approach to exercise.
The protocol itself is invaluable. We didn’t open our studio because there was a lack of fitness centers in our area. We opened our studio because we knew the value of the RenEx protocol and what it could do for people.
The RenEx equipment line is truly impressive from two perspectives. As the subject/trainee, the equipment provides an incredibly efficient inroading experience. The level of inroad that is achieved would not be possible apart from the RenEx line of equipment and the protocol. The equipment gets out of the user’s way. The subject is not limited by the machine. As an instructor, it has never been easier to teach and effectively communicate the RenEx protocol to the subject. The feedback technology alone has proved to be very beneficial for beginners and advanced subjects alike. Another benefit to both the subject and the instructor is how precise the settings are on the machines to ensure safety and repeatability for all types of subjects.
Behind the RenEx protocol and equipment line is a passionate team of individuals. The RenEx team is highly intellectual, professional, personable, and approachable. They have been great to work with and a huge support for our business.
Our business is built around the implementation of RenEx. One of the greatest assets that RenEx provides to our business is that the protocol can be applied to a great range of individuals. We can serve the young and the old, the advanced athlete and the non-athlete, those with range of motion issues and those without. We don’t have to be discriminatory with those who can participate at our studio and those who can’t. Our clients truly see the value of RenEx. We have a very high close rate (~85%) and our retention rate is even higher (~90%) because people know the real thing when they see it. We choose to implement RenEx because we know that it is simply the best. Doing anything else would violate my own conscience.”
Kevin Ness
Strength Studio
Minnetonka, MN


We commend Kevin and his team for doing their due diligence before finally committing to and implementing the RenEx protocol and business systems.  They traveled across the country meeting with and experimenting with multiple protocols and equipment before they committed to opening their studios based on the RenEx model.

But don’t even take Kevin’s word for it.  See and experience it ALL for yourself!

If you haven’t registered yet for the upcoming live 2 day event The Future of Exercise October 6-7 in Cleveland, Ohio then stop putting it off as seats are filling up fast!

You can quickly register by going to www.RenEx2012.com.

I hope to see you in October!


P.S. This is an event dedicated only to the serious exercise enthusiasts. If this is you, and we believe that it is,  then there really is NO EXCUSE not to join us!
Register today at www.RenEx20212.com.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

avatar John Parr August 26, 2012 at 6:35 pm

Attention John Nall and David Landau, this is what I’m talking about.


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